Sunday, March 29, 2009

On my run today...

About a mile into my run today, a young boy..maybe about 12..merged onto my trail and headed out for his run. He was running a pace like he was running on the playground and all I could think of was, 'wow to run that effortlessly' and 'i bet his knees don't hurt or make noise so much he has to turn up his ipod.'

But after a 1/4 mile, I then started to think like a mom and coach. I could see him slowing down but trying to keep going. About 1/2 mile into the run, he stopped and turned around and started heading back towards me. I wondered if he was pleased or disappointed in the distance. I wondered what his goal was for the day. I wanted to stop and give him some advice that if he would slow his pace and change his form just a bit he would be able to go so much farther.

But as I drew closer and looked over to him, what I saw was the biggest smile I have ever seen on a 12 year old boy. He was grinning ear to ear and still running along at his happy, speedy pace. I could tell he was feeling that floating, happy feeling so I simply smiled back in my biggest, happiest, I-know-exactly-what-you-are-feeling-right-now smile.

Could there be anything more invigorating than seeing the joy on another runners' face?
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